Watch out for the HOA expenses that you can be hit with. Also, make sure you know all the little expenses you must pay that are not listed. A few are garbage, electric bill, sometimes contracted year round cable and internet fees, taxes of course, minimum insurance for liability, especially if renting out. I think you understand that if you rent out the rental agent will skim some really huge fees off the top.
Most important is location, if the property you buy is next to the newly opening city dump or high crime area you don't want to be surprised.
2017 SLX 195RB
2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee Summit L 5.7L V8
Andersen WDH hitch, Renogy 100 AH Lithium &
200 Watts solar panels from Renogy
Prev. '14 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland, gas 3.6 V6