Originally Posted by stinger608
They do flex a lot. I've had one day that the main door will close just fine and the next it is a little tougher. Has to be a combo of temp and humidity.
As for the fridge, usually if you close the door and try to open it back up within a minute or so, it will be tough as the vacuum seems to hold the seal better.
Could be you have a great seal on your fridge, making it tough to open most of the time.
Thanks for the input. I have noticed the "waiting period" with the door, but it still shouldn't have broken the dang handle off IMHO. Harder to open, yes; handle completely snapped off, no. I could live without it sealing quite so tight.
I wouldn't think temp and humidity would cause sufficient flexing that requires *excessively* slamming the door to get it to close, but considering they way these things are constructed ...
I camped recently at the coast and I'm certain the neighbors didn't appreciate it :-) Flexion is the only thing I could attribute it to though. Sitting on my RV pad in relatively warm and dry conditions right now it's fine. I'll see what happens this winter in Central Oregon. I may need to take a running jump and throw my 225 pounds at it.