norcold 2118
Congrats on the 32rlts! Nice unit, but you more than likely will have teething pains. We had 30 warranty issues on our 2020. Both of our doors needed to be refit, dealer did the right side , kept giving door open beep, but never caught the center flap binding...our dealer is pretty worthless.
Check your center flap on your doors. Open and close left door with right door open, center flap should not bind on bottom of the cabinet. If it does your left door needs to be shimmed up, usually 1 or 2 small washers on the hinge pin. Any air leak and it will never cool enough to shut off.
Get a thermometer with remotes, then you can monitor temps. I found a 4 channel one, does freezer, fridge, indoor and outdoor temps. If your fridge still struggles you may consider adding an external fan in the top vent, slide out mounted units have poor air circulation. After fixing doors and adding a fan in the top vent ours is usually set on 4 and runs in the mid 30s