I can't disagree with any of the ideas presented for protecting the home. If anyone is on the fence because they have a heated home while away or whatever..it's not just a winter issue....consider: I came home from a three day business trip in 1986, August. Drove from the airport to my friends restaurant. Had dinner, some conversation at the bar etc. and got home at around midnight. Opened the garage door and whoosh, a stream came at me. Downstairs, upstairs...what a lot of water everywhere! Turns out that the clip that holds the Moen cartridge in one of the upstairs bathroom sink faucets had a short life and the water pressure blew the cartridge out and water was running like a fountain. I was single at the time, living in a 5 year old house I built, and drawing water from a pond that had dropped almost 18 inches from the 'leak'. In 1986 dollars, over $30,000 in damages, one+ month of repair construction and the loss of some very important, uncovered: personal items. I turn off the water any time of year if the house will be empty for more than two days. I also replace the Moen clips every couple of years.