Originally Posted by Scrapbooker & Soldier
snip.......wondering if anyone else has one and if you have had any problems we need to look for on this model.....snip
Welcome to the Jayco Owners forum.
Sounds like you recently purchased a used 2007 Jayco TT..., and as suggested checking for signs of moisture, cracked caulking, or leaks is key with any brand of TT. If the TT didn't come with a maintenance history, I would have the wheel bearings and brakes checked at your first opportunity. Also give the tires a good look-over, and check air pressure (spare as well).
In case you don't have the specs on your '07' 328RLS:
Unloaded Vehicle Weight (lbs.) 7,050
Dry Hitch Weight (lbs.) 715
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (lbs.) 9,200
Cargo Carrying Capacity (lbs.) 2,150
Exterior Length 34'-11"
Exterior Height with A/C 134"
Interior Height 81"
Tank Capacities:
Fresh Water Capacity, includes water heater (gal) 46
Gray Wastewater Capacity (gal) 74
Toilet/Black Wastewater Capacity (gal) 37
Remember to ignore dry and unloaded weights, always work with actual "loaded" weights.
Enjoy your first camping trip out with the new-to-you TT.