Originally Posted by jbickbelgrade
A few months ago i tried to charge my battery by using the generator. I noticed instead of charging the battery, which it done in the past, now it is draining the battery. This happened shortly after I tried to use the RV receptacle to power something that apparently needed to much electricity. resetting the circuit breaker inside the RV does not seem to work. Is there something else I could try? I was not hooked up to shore power at the time. (Dry Camping). The battery charging while running the RV and hooked up to shore power but not when using the generator
Welcome to the forum!
Since you gave no specific information like generator make and model, 30 or 50 amp, what exactly you did to cause the issue, and specifically where you tested things.
Is it factory generator, or aftermarket portable? Year and model of your RV?
Have you checked the circuit breaker on the generator if factory? Does everything 120 volt work on shore power? What works at 120 volts on generator?
Could be inline fuses or inline resettable circuit breakers, battery disconnect ON?
You need to find and test your automatic transfer switch. This is a 30 amp.
https://a.co/d/1nuoj4C This is a 50 amp.
It is supposed to default to generator I believe, but I may be wrong.
So please give as much information as you can for quicker correct responses.