Water pump bench test
The attached photo shows a water pump being tested outside the RV. It tested okay. I didn't measure flow but the 3 GPM rating was apparent. It started out as a suction test and that was okay, too.
I was surprised to find the pump was vertically mounted by one screw. The mounting board is ½" plywood, and the screw head was pulled about halfway through it. It's not going back in the RV that way. (If you mount your pump vertically, put the motor up. If you develop a leak it won't run into the motor.)
There are 3 screw heads visible to the right of the strainer securing the pump to the motor. If you remove those screws (total of eight) you can access the diaphragm that moves the water. If your motor is good and you're not moving any/enough water, cleaning the diaphragm is a good idea before determining the pump is defective.
The suction and discharge hoses came from my odds-and-ends plumbing box. Decades of "not throwing away anything that might be useable" has left a considerable amount of clutter, but there is usually something around that will work. (I admire the "clutter free" folks out there, but I can't do it.)