DiFlex II bubbling after vent replacement
So on Monday I had the day off and I decided to replace our basic vent on our 2021 154BH with a MaxxAir deluxe vent. I took my time in doing so, making sure I’m doing things better than factory. (Found loose screws sitting in the sealant when removing the vent). I did my research, making sure to get a good butyl tape and some Dicor 501 self-leveling lap sealant, which I saw on Dicor’s website as a sealant to use on our roof membrane. I even made sure the membrane was taut, using a couple of staples inside the opening to do so.
I did notice that the membrane was a bit loose around the vent opening after carefully removing the 4” wide old sealant around the vent, but didn’t think anything of it since the tape and lap sealant should make sure everything is sealed. And let’s be honest, I know this is far from the top-of-line model, so it may have not been a solid, well-done job when gluing down the membrane, especially near openings in the roof.
Well, a day later, I get back up on the ladder to marvel at what a great job I did and I see where the membrane has started to bubble all around where the sealant is. I did see a review about this 501 sealant where the same thing happened with someone else, but that was only 1 review out of a slew of positive reviews, so if figured it may have been a fluke. I’m not sure if this is no big deal or this is actually something to worry about but if I’m doing the job myself, it really bugs me if it’s not at least 95% perfect.
So my question is what should I do about this?
I’ve got extra butyl tape and sealant, so I can redo the installation without too big of a fuss and I’ve seen that I could use something like a 3oz Dap Weldwood liquid contact cement rather than paying $50 for a gallon of Dicor’s sealant (correct me if I’m wrong here, please) and re-adhere the membrane around the vent opening, but is it worth it, other than being able to look at it and feel proud? I also saw that there’s “ultra” 610 sealant that works for our membranes but that’d mean paying $50 for a primer to use on top of getting more sealant and while I usually err on the side of paying more for quality when given the chance, this’d be getting on up there.
My biggest concern, other than pride, is will the wind cause the membrane to flap over time, eventually loosening the membrane more and/or is this a concern about possible future leaks?