Originally Posted by jcghill
1. What is the process for hitching and unhtiching the 5th wheel? Don't want to drop it onto the truck?
Once you learn how,
definitely have a routine to hook-up! We didn't back in 1995. We usually hooked up together but one day Don had to work late and I was in a hurry to get outta town, so I hooked the 5'er up to the truck by myself. I thought I did everything, but low and behold I pulled foreward and the 5'er dropped on the lip of the truck bed :lightning: I was mortified!
$800 later the truck looked like new again though *ouch*
Lesson learned! We used a checklist until we got the routine down for whatever we pulled. Now, whether Don or I hitch as a team or alone, we always use a count method (works for us anyhow). We have to count 8 items using pairs. We then either double check the other, or double check ourselves prior to drive off
.......(mind you we have a tt now but the below is just to give you an idea). ie:
1,2. locking hitch pins secured to hitch and tongue
3,4. both chains secured to truck
5,6. breakaway cable secured and electric connector plugged in
7,8. both wdh bars secured with pins/etc
Of course, depending on the type of 5'er hitch you get, you will develop your own routine. Happy hitching and enjoy the new 5'er!