2017 Eagle 29.5bhds. Hooked up at campsite no cold water pressure, dribbling. All other areas have normal water pressure on both cold and hot. No leaks, I can see after a day of sitting. The low point drain right under faucet has slow dribble as well.
If the diffuser is not the issue, you probably have obstruction in the faucet. With water off, unhook cold water line from faucet. The offending gunk may be in the connector or up in the faucet connection. If not there, it is probably cartridge related.
I’m betting kinked cold water line. If it was a clogged defuser it would effect both hot and cold water equally. Does the outside kitchen have individual water shut off valves like the inside sinks?
It does have its own shut off. I have traced the pex pipe to roughly 8” of flex tubing which is free. Only other thing I could think of would be the plastic fitting inside not opening up all the way
When you open and close the hot and cold water valves do they feel the same? Both have the same resistance? I assume they are the plastic quarter shut offs like under the sinks inside. With the water running, if you cycle the valves what do they do?
I returned home pulled it apart and the cold water only was filled with sediment. Not sure why this is the only faucet and only cold. It’s cleaned out and works great.