This will be quite a long post but there is an answer to all of the warranty issues we have with our van.
So if any of you have read any of the posts that I've made about our Terrain, then you know all of the warranty issues we have had since we picked up our Terrain at the first of Nov. last year.
First issue was our table that sits behind the drivers side seat was broken from the factory. One of the rivets that holds the plate that the Lagun table slides into was never even put in place. This made the table unusable since only one rivet was holding it in place and it rattled constantly. I just had to remove that table and it's been sitting in my garage since I bought it.
The next problem we have is there is a 1/2" gap at the top of the rear passenger side door. The issue is Jayco will say this is a Mercedes problem and Mercedes will say it is a Jayco problem. No matter what... It needs to be fixed before it starts leaking.
The sewer line holding tube under the van came with a broken bracket. So when you open the door, it is barely held on. There also wasn't a sewer line included with the van. I can only "assume" it was supposed to be included for the grey water tank but it's not there.
The rest are issues that I've brought up with there being a 6" hole in the bottom of my van and the sink drain that wasn't insulated as it came out from under the van. I ended up having to fix this myself. That was the most egregious and negligent quality control issue we have faced with the van up to this point.
The sheer number of rattles that come from the inside of the van. Make no mistake, I do not expect this to be a quiet vehicle since it is built out on a 4WD heavy duty suspension. But the worst offenders are the rear bed and the plastic panel on the sliding door. I have resorted to placing two foam pads in between the front frame of the bed and the wall that runs next to the tracks that the bed lifts up and down on. That quieted it down 90%. But I've also had to put a foam pad between the sliding door when it is closed between the door and the fold out table just to quiet it down enough that my wife and I can even hold a conversation in the van. I know for a fact that there is no insulation behind that panel and it is banging up against the structural components while going down the road.
The problem is the dealership that I bought it from has never sold one of these units and probably never will again after this. I do not blame my dealership as they have bent over backwards trying to get these issues resolved (service manager has been zero help in this process though). Finally got the General Manager over the entire dealer network with a one on one sit down and explained all of the issues we are having. And he has been great. He was able to get me in touch with the National Director of Customer Service and she has been perfect.
Per my suggestion. I will be driving the van back to Jayco and all of these issues will be addressed and I will be given a full walkthrough of the van front to back. Mileage, fuel, hotel, food, everything will be paid for by Jayco. The extended warranty will reflect that I have to drive an extra 1600 miles so that will be added to my extended warranty. I hate that I have to make a 2 day trip both ways but the dealership I bought it from is just not equipped to make the repairs to the van that need to be made. Besides the service manager is no help whatsoever.
So at the very least I will be able to point out everything that needs to be repaired and addressed and get the full walkthrough that I should have received when I picked up the van.
I won't lie... It takes persistence to get this done. But now I have the numbers of the people that I need to talk to if a problem should ever arise and they can point me to a dealership that is close by to wherever we might be at any given time and hopefully get the problem resolved in a timely fashion. So far, I've been really impressed with Jayco on a National level.