Hi Everyone,
I traced the wires from the roof using a warbler/toner, then opened a 1-1/2" hole with a hole saw on my mark and the wires were right there. Small victory! FYI, this location was a foot and a half from where the wall sticker indicated they should be. Thank you very little, Jayco production team
I fished the wires out to learn they extended about 3' below the ceiling and ended, just floating in the wall, suspended about 4 feet or more from the floor.
My question: Is there going to be another pair of wires in the lower part of the wall which will lead to the battery? I did use a cell phone mounted borescope to look, but did not see anything that looked right. I'm kicking myself now, sitting at my computer at home, that I didn't take more time to look deeper in the wall toward the floor. Depending upon your guidance I will look again.
Thanks and Happy Trails to all!
A side note, "looking up" inside the wall I discovered that the red lead from the roof port was cut immediately below the ceiling and an extension wire was attached to the stub with a wire nut, giving me that 3' red lead. I'm certain this is not safe and now will likely have to remove the roof gland and rewire the feed from the roof into that wall. "Thank you again, Jayco production team".