EDIT: Oh...so I re-read your post after I replied and realized I answered a question you didn't ask. Oops. Oh well.
I'm the owner of a 26BH, purchased new in May of '17. Incidentally, we purchased new, because there wasn't enough of a savings, at least in our area, to justify buying a used one (which were in extremely limited supply anyway).
We compared the Jayflight and the SLX, and it's normally my nature to go with the lower cost version in cases where both version share the same bones. And, it's usually my wife's nature to go with the more deluxe version. This time she got her way, but I'm happy with that.
We found enough differences between the two to push us into the Jayflight. I'm not going to think of all the differences right now, but one that's of value is the additional tankage on the Flight. 90 gallons of freshwater compared to 45 if I recall. As boondockers, that's important to us.
I sure like the electric tongue jack. Would not give it up.
The additional cabinetry in the kitchen is nice. We've enhanced the storage in the living room kitchen area with some other mods/tricks, and appreciate every cubic inch we have.
My first impression of the JayFlight vs. the SLX was that they put a few items of low value on the Jayflight, and then overcharged for it as compared to the SLX. As we did a careful comparison, we concluded that they were all features that fit our needs. The other factor for us, is that the 26BH and SLX are not expensive units, so going whole hog wasn't really an extravagance. I think we ended up at 18k out the door, including tax, arctic package, and a good weight distribution hitch. If we decided to sell in four years, I don't think we'd be in bad shape.
Oh, and I looked at floorplans for a few years prior to our planned purchase, and decided the 26BH or SLX fit my wife, two cats, and me. We did several shakedown trips in Michigan over the summer to work out the bugs and modify & enhance as needed. We found we are very satisfied with the floorplan. There's always a tradeoff between square feet and comfort/efficiency, and we're totally satisfied with our purchase.
Good luck with your purchase.