We bought a 2016 35UP Precept that comes with 3 Seiki flat screen tv's. We are on the move weekly and have had 3 occasions to use rv park supplied cable. Each time we were not able to connect cable through the the internal wiring of the Precept. I did not think much of it because we were not in these locations for cable tv. However, we are Ft. Wilderness in DisneyWorld with our grandson for a week and the cable tv would be a great help, so I pushed a bit and got some great help from a Disney supplied cable and communications on site guy. He verified that cable came to our site and even verified that cable was coming through our wiring. Then he saw the tv name and told us that Seiki was the one manufacturer that outside cable service would not work on. He suggested we get a cable box, but that did not work either. Are there any others out in Jayco world that have experienced this and do y'all have any options short of changing to Vizio tv's?