You mentioned that trailer is 55 deg. The fridge needs to be in room temperature or close to it. The FIRST thing you should do is warm it up to room temp and see if it works.
Are you aware that this is a compressor refrigerator? Most efficient temp is from 60 to 80F. But 55F is not an issue.You mentioned that trailer is 55 deg. The fridge needs to be in room temperature or close to it. The FIRST thing you should do is warm it up to room temp and see if it works.
Are you aware that this is a compressor refrigerator? Most efficient temp is from 60 to 80F. But 55F is not an issue.
According to the book on your refrigerator, you have three thermistors. Refrigerator, freezer, and defrost. Sounds like you may have a bad one. Attached is the book for parts showing the locations of them. I think it is in the center of the back wall of the freezer.
About half way down in this link, on the right it has links to many guides for your fridge including the one above.