Help/Advice Needed


Advanced Member
Feb 6, 2021
Castle Pines
Hi Everyone,

I need some advice on what to do about my situation. Below is an excerpt from an email I sent the GM of my dealer, but in short, my trailer is approaching being in the shop total for almost 10 months of the two years we’ve owned it. I could really use some advice on how to proceed forward since it seems they might have it for months longer at this point.

Email I sent:

“I purchased my 21 Jayco 24MBH at the beginning of February 2021. After our first trip there were some items that needed to be fixed, as is typical with any RV, and I brought it back for service March 10th 2021. After calling multiple times for updates some of the work was completed roughly around May 13th. Items to be worked detailed below.

After using the trailer for the summer I kept track of items that still needed to be fixed as well as new ones. I scheduled service in October that would start March 18th 2022. This service was completed May 5th 2022. Items listed below.

After using the trailer from picking it up we discovered some of the work that was supposed to be done previously was again not done and in addition the front window of the trailer surround was leaking. We dropped the trailer off July 13th. Work listed below.

As of Today, October 14th we still have not received a call on the status of our trailer. I have called every week to few weeks since it’s been in the shop and I was told either it was waiting on parts, they’re not sure of the status but will check and get back with me, or they believe it is done but the person working it was out so they would have to call back.

After calling last week and being directed to a voicemail I still have not received one phone call since July on my unit. I tried today to get a hold of the service manager but again it went to voicemail. I have found leaving messages does not get a response. The lack of communication has occurred throughout all of the previous service visits.

I wanted to reach out to you for a few reasons:

1) I’d like to get my trailer back ASAP with the work completed right the first time so I do not need to drive over an hour each way to drop it off and pick it up multiple times.
2) I already replaced the batteries under warranty from the previous service visit where they were completely drained and could not be repaired. I’d like two new batteries installed at no charge to me since I’m sure mine are dead now and probably damaged due to the length of time the unit has been sitting there. If the team can confirm they are not damaged, then that’s fine, but I’d like that confirmed. If I knew the trailer was going to be sitting for multiple months I would have not left them in.
3) I spent a lot of money on an extended warranty, which the sales team pushed hard for, indicating I would always be first in line for service. As you can see I was scheduled in October for work in March. When I brought up this detail I was told that doesn’t matter and it’s to the back of the line for me. I’d like my money back from that since you’ve had my RV for almost 7 of the 20 months I’ve owned it. That’s over 33% of the time I’ve been making payments it’s been in the shop. Many of the items that needed to be worked were not dependent on parts. The few that were I was told the parts had arrived quickly and they just needed to be installed. There is no point in having an extended warranty if the work is not going to be done in a timely manner.
4) Let me start by saying almost all of the service advisors are very nice people. With that being said, the communication from the service department is a major issue. I understand when parts aren’t available and things are on hold, but the complete lack of communication is not acceptable. Especially when I have to call for updates multiple times and being told I would receive a call back and do not. The same issue occurs with voicemails.

I’ve had an RV since 2013. I decided to buy from you because you carried the brands our family is interested in and you had a good reputation for customer service. We’ve been thinking about upgrading to a momentum toy hauler, but given the customer service experience we’re experiencing we’re seriously considering taking our business somewhere else for future purchases.

March 10 - May 13 2021 Service Items and Resolution:

1) Slide is coming in cockeyed, makes a scraping sound when almost in, ratcheting doesn’t always happen: New rubber seal was installed but slide still rubbed
2) Power tongue jack seems to sees at a certain point where it’s well within its normal operating range. Have to hit it to get it to work again: Jack was bent and replaced
3) Curt WDH was installed and not Equalizer as agreed in contract: Correct hitch was installed
4) Rear floor seems uneven compared to front when we were leveled: Was told this is normal
5) Front axle appears bent: Told it was normal
6) AC fan runs when on shorepower and heater runs. Only way to shutoff is to hit AC breaker. Is there a software update for this?: Software update fixed problem
7) Put vent roof covers on. One by AC on middle fan and other for bathroom: Vent covers installed

March 18 - May 5 2022 Service Items and Resolution:

1) Awning appears to be misaligned from rail: Was told it was because I had brushed some branches in front of my house. I ended up loosening the bolts and realigning it myself.
2) Slide still needs to move forward about an inch or so. This was not fixed on the previous service appointment: Adjusted and no longer rubbing.
3) Shower was leaking a small amount of water behind the wall: After testing this was not fixed.
4) Fan vent surrounds are cracked: Fixed
5) A/C blows cold, but doesn’t cool down trailer when it’s only 75-80 outside. Seems to be freezing up even though there is good airflow.: AC might be undersized for unit as cooling is still an issue.
6) The water tank siphons itself empty after filling it up. After filling it up you’re left with roughly 3/4 to half a tank. It also I will start to MTS South when driving down the road. It’s coming out the overflow/vent hose under the main fill location.: Solution put in place but tank still overflows somewhat.
7) Propane regulator recall: Fixed
8) Passenger side white LED strip light on front of trailer is sliding off. Put it back in place with tape to temporarily hold it: Not fixed
9) Interior front shade above bed is shredding for some reason. Not sure if it’s out of alignment or what the problem is: Fixed

July 13th - ?? Service Items and Resolution:

1) Trailer appeared to be un-level on level surface: Was told leaf springs were all bad/flat and needed to be replaced. This was the part they said they were waiting on shipping from, but the story changed depending on who I talked with. I had called shops around town to see if they had the parts available and all of them did.
2) Shower leak from above service visit still needed to be fixed: Was told it will be fixed
3) Passenger side white LED strip light had fallen off completely since it wasn’t fixed on the previous visit: Was told it was replaced almost immediately. Still need to verify once we pickup the trailer
4) Front window leaking: Was told they fixed it without issue. Still need to verify.”

So here is my issue, after sending this email the GM forwarded it to the service manager who called, emailed, and apologized and indicated he’ll handle things personally. He said everything was fixed but the leak in the front of the trailer. I just received a call from the dealer yesterday and they said they broke my front window removing it, needed to call Jayco to authorize warranty repairs, and then would be able to tell me when they’d be able to get another one to put it in.

I am just at a loss of what to do here. I’m not sure why they need Jayco to authorize anything when they broke it. Further more, I feel like I’m being stolen from. At this rate I won’t have my RV back for almost 6 months this time. It’s already been in the shop for 7 months for what I would consider very basic easy work. The dealer pointed the finger at Jayco and Jayco pointed the finger at the dealer. At the end of the day it’s my problem because I can’t take my family camping and use what I’ve paid for.

Are my only options to sit on my hands and do nothing? Do I need to consult an attorney? I’m not even sure what to ask for at this point?

If you’ve read this entire post, thank you! Any advice is appreciated!!
I would try a polite/cordial face to face meeting with the owner of the dealership, and express your frustration.

I think an important question is "Do you trust this dealer to do the work correctly"? If jot. what are your options?
More than willing to do this, but I’m not sure what my outcome should be. I mean at this point I guess I’d like them to just buy it back. It seems with the given amount of time they’ve had it, they own it anyways. I feel I’ve been pretty polite and understanding with them, but I also feel they’re taking advantage of that as well at this point.

It’s funny because they said leaf springs are a supplier issue, but I can’t imagine they make thousands and thousands of those front windshields. I’m really worried how long it will take to get that fixed, if it will leak, and then what water damage has occurred because of it?
More than willing to do this, but I’m not sure what my outcome should be. I mean at this point I guess I’d like them to just buy it back. It seems with the given amount of time they’ve had it, they own it anyways. I feel I’ve been pretty polite and understanding with them, but I also feel they’re taking advantage of that as well at this point.

It’s funny because they said leaf springs are a supplier issue, but I can’t imagine they make thousands and thousands of those front windshields. I’m really worried how long it will take to get that fixed, if it will leak, and then what water damage has occurred because of it?

Check to see if you state has a lemon law that covers RVs. Some do and some don’t. Mine does. Lawyers take those on contingency.
When somebody sits in front of a business, with a 4’x8’ plywood sign in the back of their truck, that issue gets resolved or the police show up. Either way can’t be good for business. But maybe you should work your way up to the top first.
Is there a lemon law for travel trailers? If so, I'd be looking into it. I know in Florida and with an automobile, you have to allow a dealership 3 tries on a same issue before you can file for a lemon law act. Maybe different in your state.

Also, ask for a loaner camper. Can't hurt to ask.

But it certainly can only help in your case to request, or state that you plan to file for a lemon law case if they are allowed on campers.
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Were it me, I'd stop emailing and show up at the dealership. Much harder to go unanswered if you're standing there. I can make a sailor blush if I get spun up enough; and this certainly would have my aggravation ticket punched through to the dealership by now.
Is there a lemon law for travel trailers? If so, I'd be looking into it. I know in Florida and with an automobile, you have to allow a dealership 3 tries on a same issue before you can file for a lemon law act. Maybe different in your state.

Also, ask for a loaner camper. Can't hurt to ask.

But it certainly can only help in your case to request, or state that you plan to file for a lemon law case if they are allowed on campers.

Check post #4
Maybe I'll reach out to a lemon law lawyer in CO. Not sure if too much time has gone by, but given they've had it so long, who knows!
So no progress. Turns out RV's don't qualify for lemon laws in CO. I reached out to the dealer trying to get them to buy it back given they've been in possession so long. No dice there.

Next I reached out to Jayco. They reached out to the dealer and then came back to me to say, "yes they've had it a long time, they broke your window and we won't pay for it, the dealer will, and they'll have it longer. Have a nice day."

So discussed with Jayco and their response. I think at this point I would expect them to swap out the trailer or at least offer some type of trade in assistance. I don't want to pay for a lawyer since I know that will end up costing me more money at the end of the day and by the time I go down that road I could possibly have my trailer back, but I'm just gutted.
I have no advice, but I do have sympathy, it's certainly aggravating. Our 5er sat at the dealership 9 months over it's 2 year warranty with a total of 36 warranty repairs needed. Also, we had a few issues not repaired properly or totally ignored. "Parts take up to a month to arrive after we order" "We can't get help" "They shipped the wrong parts" They always seem to have an excuse. We're never going back there now the warranty has expired. Our next RV purchase will involve much more research into the dealership's service department's reputation.
I don't want to pay for a lawyer since I know that will end up costing me more money at the end of the day and by the time I go down that road I could possibly have my trailer back, but I'm just gutted.

And that's what they're counting on. They know you don't want to throw more money into this problem, but from a legal standpoint, they've got you over a barrel if you don't lawyer up.
Get yourself an attorney, file a lawsuit against them, asking for the full purchase price of the trailer, including any fees, taxes, or licensing costs, plus attorney fees. If you like, tack on a generous "punitive damages" amount. That's about the only way you're really going to get their full and complete attention anymore.

If you don't, then THEY still have your trailer, YOU'RE still paying on the loan, plus interest, and have noithing to show for your investment. There's absolutely no reason for you to have to loose out because they can't do a timely job.

Ya gotta hit them where it hurts.

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Well I followed the advice above and per my contracts they're saying nothing can be done.

I do have an update though. I told the dealer I was coming to see them and they replied back the trailer would be ready and the glass would be fitted that they broke. We were pretty excited just to get it back and end the drama. That didn't happen.

We drove down to the dealer to meet with the service manager and not only were the items they said were fixed not fixed. Our trailer was completely trashed on the inside. I was and am absolutely livid with this dealership. I called the top person again and they basically said tough luck on it being trashed and we'll clean it for you and make sure it's repaired for the next time. I stated how long they've had it in their possession and didn't ask for direct compensation but asked to have solar put on the roof, which would have been a fraction of the cost. They said no.

I contacted Jayco and they were less helpful than the dealership and said so sorry but the dealership is handling it.

At this point I'm trying to work with the service manager to get it back to us in at least the condition we dropped it off in, which I'm not sure is possible.

What I want to know is, if all that needed to be done was fix the suspension, which they said they did but one side was still completely flat, an LED light, and then a small leak in the windshield(then they broke it), how is wood trim, and construction debris all over the inside of the trailer? It's even in our closest. The front glass only touches a giant piece of plastic on the outside of the trailer.

I'm trying to understand how they think this is acceptable.





Lessons I learned from dealing with RV service.
1. Expect long delays and high costs on any service work.
2. Since it is well known that service lines at dealers are long. Disconnect batteries before dropping it off. Or take them out and leave them at home.
3. Visit the dealer regularly and check your trailer. Disconnect the batteries if they have been connected.
4. Get all warranties in writing. Make sure provisions like "head of the line" are detailed in the contract.
5. Only deal with the Service Manager as long as he is helpful. After that deal with the dealership owner.
6. Dealerships are not even partially owned by Jayco, so warranty service is what the Dealer feels like doing. Jayco supports very little warranty work.
7. When picking up a trailer after "work has been completed" walk through the repairs with the service manager to see if work has been completed.
8. Fix it yourself if you can.
So are you saying a manufacturers warranty is false advertisement? I mean the setup for rv dealers is the same for auto dealers. They have to be approved to do work on those brands and also need authorization to do the work. So if you’re an authorized dealer to work on jaycos for warranty work are you not an extension and representative of the brand?
After all of that, I think I would be consulting with an attorney. Even if it was just to have him write a threatening letter of possible legal action.

Already did. The attorney said I could have a case but his fees would be higher than what I would get. He advised to try to continue to work with them, but it’s pretty clear they don’t want to work with me. I don’t have 5K to blow on an attorney for a potential win. My goal now is to get the trailer back in the condition we brought it there.

Im actually really disappointed in jayco. They were no help and stood behind this dealer.

I asked the dealer to install solar as some type of compensation and they flat out said no. Just seems so wrong to run a business like this and be treated by the dealership and jayco this way after spending so much money with them. You would think they’d stand behind their product and service.
Many communities have TV stations that have reporters and programs that help consumers resolve issues like yours. I would call them. Worth a shot.
There was a used car dealer near us that had a few disgruntled customers. Each of them would park their cars in a highly visible spot next to the dealer with large signs stating the dealer had screwed them and anyone should consider buying a vehicle do it elsewhere.

Perhaps this Jayco dealer has done the same to others in your area and maybe you could form a group and...

And, I agree with Jacjayco. Dealers do not like bad press.


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