This is my first travel trailer, so I have no history to base a comparison, but I can say that the experience so far has been bittersweet.
I love having the trailer, and I knew (from reading forums and talking to friends) that it would require a lot of maintenance. However, I have to say I'm not impressed with the overall build quality and I've had several issues ranging from minor annoyance to, well, cold shower. I've spent probably 5 weeks total living in the trailer since November last year.
* The right side dinette storage door never closed tightly, and now the entire facing is pulling away from the dinette. Given the way it was stapled together, it's no wonder. I will be going out tonight with a drill, woodscrews, and glue to take care of the situation.
* The water heater has been a continual source of angst. I already replaced the circuit board on my own dime when it failed in the middle of winter in Wyoming after only a week or so of use. Now there is some problem with the electrical element, I suspect poor wiring. The electrical element won't heat and when turned on seems to apply voltage to the entire chassis (got a bit of a shock looking at it the other day). I will be taking a look at this tonight as well.
* The knobs that hold the propane tank cover in place corroded to the bolts over the winter/spring and now cannot be removed. I can still get the tanks filled by just unloosing the top, but this is top on my list of items for the dealer to fix when I finally find time to take it into a dealer.
* The axles do not seem well aligned. After a total of about 8,000 miles, I see some irregular wear on two of the tires which speaks to an alignment issue. I will be rotating the tires this week, but I suspect I will be having a long conversation with the dealer about this as well.
* The molding throughout the trailer seems to have a desire to peel away continuously. I have simply been pushing it back in place, but I need to get some screws and/or glue involved to make it more secure.
* One of the bed supports was busted before the trailer was delivered to us, which my wife discovered before our recent trip, and explains the bed sagging. I fixed it with another board alongside the broken original.
* The front storage door no longer closes squarely, you either have to slam it or force it to the side a bit to fit into place properly. It appears that the structure in that area of the trailer must have shifted at some point, before this recent trip, it was fine. I need to look into adjusting it.
I'm sure there are some others I've missed. Overall, only the water heater has been a big deal, because it's functional. The rest have really just been kind of annoying. Since I tend to use the trailer, I haven't bothered taking it back for warranty yet. Maybe this fall or winter I can find some time for that, though honestly, I'll probably be camping on the weekends anyway, so we'll see.
I really do enjoy the trailer. But I would agree that quality is not the strong suit, and this is referring to the "higher end" of mainstream travel trailers (Eagle). Honestly, if I had to do it over again, I would probably buy a Jayflight with upgrades. I don't think the extra cost for the Eagle was a good ROI.