Just picked-up my first 5er, an Eagle Super Lite 30.5. Need to join the group to learn more. I traded in our 27BH Jay Flight.
Well we had the 30.5 BHLT for almost three weeks now. We made it out for the three nights on Labor Day weekend and for one night this past weekend. After the maiden voyage, the trailer went back to the dealers for three days service. Now she will be going back again after this past weekend. While at the dump station I noticed parts hanging out from the backside of one of the brake drums. It appears the springs and cables are no longer connected to the brake shoes. Oh ya, the extend-a- booth bench fell apart, it appears three staples will not hold a booth together if someone sits on it. Seeing as I have a woodshop, I will be doing my own repairs on this.
Outside of the quality of workmanship (the Amish have really let me down), I am happy with the design and the way it tows. I keep thinking, ok we have everything fixed now….
I am hoping to get one or two more weekends out before I winterize it for the season.