Advanced Member
I have a '20 HJ and will be doing my first oil change soon. Looks like I'll probably average 3,000 - 4,000 miles a year. Just curious what the opinions are on using regular oil vs. synthetic.
Synthetic oil withstands heat much better than conventional oil,heat is one of the biggest enemy's of the engine. I use synthetic oils throughout my truck,engine,transmission,transfer case,front and rear differential and power streering. How often to change it(engine)? I think there are two camps on that question,one every 3 or 4 thousand miles (I'm in that one) and some manufacturers say 10,000. Personal choice i guess.
I have had great success with Rotella oil as well, I started using it in my gasoline vehicles 15~20 years ago and I could visually see via the oil fill cap that the engine was cleaner. Now there is a Rotella oil specifically made for gasoline engines, however I am not sure if it is any better that the T4 I had been using.I was at Freightliner yesterday getting my DEF overheating problem fixed and asked the service manager, he said Shell Rotella T6 if you are preferential to synthetic, otherwise T4, which they use for service unless customer requests synthetic... $2.50 upcharge per quart for T6.