Hi Bob. When you are submitting a post, or making a reply, click the
Go Advanced button below the window you are entering your text. That will end up redrawing the page a bit so just scroll down again until you see the text window.
Keep scrolling to find the
Additional Options section, and in that section is a button for
Manage Attachments. Click that and it opens up a new (separate) window. In that window click the
Browse... button to find the picture you want to upload. Repeat for additional images, then click the
Upload button. After that (it may take a few seconds or a minute depending on # of pictures and size), find the
Close this window button.
That should return you back to where you were typing text. At that point, click
Submit Reply and you should be good to go.
Hope this helps! And I hope you enjoy the picture I used as a test.