What's the verdict? Do they work? Are they worth it? I'm looking into getting a pair for my X23B but wanted some feed back on someone who has them.....Thank you!
I use heavy duty space blankets with sewn edges, foil on one side, ( foil side up in most cases) that I clip on with those heavy duty black paper clips you find in use in offices. I have been in wind, rain, and hail storms and only had one or two clips come off on occasion. PUGS are expensive. I went for the cheaper solution and have had great success.
I use heavy duty space blankets with sewn edges, foil on one side, ( foil side up in most cases) that I clip on with those heavy duty black paper clips you find in use in offices. I have been in wind, rain, and hail storms and only had one or two clips come off on occasion. PUGS are expensive. I went for the cheaper solution and have had great success.
Been wondering about the feasibility of this...
Just used our AC for the first time and I can see where it could use some help during the day.
Now to figure out which blanket to get...don't suppose you recall the brand you have?
X2 We also have PUGS (high wind series)and have had excellent luck in both cold and really hot weather. Just got back from 105 degree weather and, along with our AC, we were very comfortable. We highly recommend PUGs.We put "Reflective Roll Insulation" Under the bunk mattresses and also cut pieces to fit in each window. Made a huge difference on really hot days.