My power converter is shot. when i flip the breaker for it it trips the main breaker and the one in my home. since it went out, a few of my recepticles aren't working. Where can i purchase a new converter for a 2006 Jayco Jay Flight??
You need to post the Make and Model of your current converter/charger unit. Usually these converters blow fuses due to shorted cells in the batteries. Check to see if your converter is PLUGGED into a standard 120VAC Receptacle. If so unplug it and then try resetting the main breakers... Knocking out all those breakers you mentioned might be related to mice eating up your wiring - You need to isolate the converter/charger unit first and see if your AC wiring is ok associated with the converter/charger 120VAC control circuit breaker.
Being a 2006 Model trailer I suspect this is NOT a smart mode multi-voltage Converter/Charger unit. I would replace this if determined bad with a smart mode type converter. You do NOT have to replace with the same model that you are currently using. Most converters are located in the bottom compartment of your Power Distribution Panel that houses the 120VAC Circuit breaker and 12VDC fuses.
being a single mode constant 13.6VDC OUTPUT will sometimes boil out your battery fluids and create a cell short in the battery. This demands all the current the converter/charger can produce and sometimes causes a converter/charger failure. Since you are tripping all the breakers indicated it is most likely you r converter/charger is the cause but you need to isolate it from your system and make sure it is indeed a converter/charger failure. I would also check the battery fluid level on your battery and measure the DC VOLTAGE at the battery terminals with a multimeter. A fully charged battery should read 12.6-7 VDC without the trailer connected to shore power.
Also if this is an initial TURN-ON of shore power associated with your house may point to a miss-wired 30AMP SHORE POWER connection. The converter/charger being always ON is usually the first major trailer component to "blow up" if your house wiring is providing 220VAC to your trailer connection. You have indicated that you are reading some 120VAC receptacles working so this is probably not what has happened. Your non-working Receptacles are probably due to GFCI fault. Check for GFCI breakers inside the the trailer usually around where you can come in contact with water and make sure the RESET BUTTON in the center of the receptacle is reset. Alot of receptacles are installed down the line from these GFCI type receptacles and when it gets trips several more 120VAC receptacle will be disconnected as well...
This is also raising a red flag to me about your shore power house connection.
Alot of of folks like to give Randy at BESTCONVERTERS a call and let him recommend a replacement model. If you go this route then I would not let Mr Randy sell you a WFCO product as they have a long track record of not going into smart mode charging when you think they should. I have the WFCO WF8900 series Power Distribution Panel and I purchased a Progressive Dynamics PD9260C Smart Mode 60AMP Converter/Charger unit that will fit in the bottom compartment of my WFCO WF8900 series Power Distribution Panel to charge my four 12VDC Battery Bank.
Your converter/charger unit is probably a 45AMP model which is usually good for charging just two 12VDC batteries. If you plan on installing more batteries then you will also need a bigger converter/charger unit
Post more info on what you have and lots of guys on here can respond better.