Shorty Cox
Senior Member
Take This for what it is worth. I have a 2012 31.5 FBHS with the Reese Revolution Pin Box. Yesterday, 5-9-19, I decided I would do the “ANNUAL” maintenance (that I have never done) the owner’s manual for the Revolution Pin Box calls for. (Mind you, I have not had any issues with it, just wanted to inspect.) After enlisting muscle from former co-workers, the 6 bolts attaching the pin box to the RV were remove and the pin box drops off. (That was the easy part.) Then comes removing the 2 ¼ inch castle nut from the pivot shaft. (This requires a 2 ¼ inch socket that the instruction sheet for the 16K Revolution Service Kit 86016 does not mention.) Then comes the TASK of separating the Turret from the Revolution Arm. (This is the difficult TASK!) After these years of being exposed to the elements, all parts had grown together. After beating and banging on it the get the turret to turn, I was able to twist and turning the turret 90 degrees which gives one a lip on the rear end of the revolution arm. Turn it upside down on stacked blocks leaving the turret hanging free. I then utilized a small hammer as a draft placing it on the end of the pivot shaft and utilizing a “BFH” hammer to strike the smaller hammer driving the shaft out of the revolution arm. Once that TASK was accomplished, the bearing, bushing and all other parts were easy to remove. The bearing was totally dry of lube. I have the “Service Kit” ordered. However, I do believe I could just lube all necessary parts and re-assemble, and it would be ok.
What is the moral of the story? If you have a Reese Revolution Pin Box, disassemble and service it yearly before the parts grow together.
What is the moral of the story? If you have a Reese Revolution Pin Box, disassemble and service it yearly before the parts grow together.