Your top pic shows 50psi, just fyi, not sure if you adjusted it up (I don't remember what mine was set to out of the box). I have the same regulator and I have mine at 40psi. I believe in using the lowest pressure that provides just enough pressure for a decent shower is the best setting for the entire system. I may try 35 next time out. ~CA
I would add that if 40psi seems to low for a good shower, to consider changing your shower head to an oxygenics shower head. It provides for what feels to be a much higher water pressure and flow than there actually is. ~CA
I'm not familiar with that water regulator. Could you give me the model # of the device? I was not aware that this was needed at most campgrounds. In ignorance, I've never noticed a problem. Does Jayco recommend a certain water pressure limit? Thanks in advance for your help.
Damian Neeld
Carmel, IN
2018 Seneca HJ
What is the small black tube going from the regulator up to that fitting? My regulator didn't come with any additional tubing. What kind of fittings did you use?
Damian Neeld
Carmel, IN
2018 Seneca HJ
That looks like a cable tv or satellite antenna cable. It's not part of the regulator, it just looks like it in the pictures.
That is correct.
It’s just bundled with the short leader hose inside the pipe insulation that I installed. They both drop out of the wet bay to make for an easier and faster connection when I’m setting up or striking at a campground.
Like the idea of your leader hose and insulated cover. Did you run it all the way out side or just inside wet bay for hook up? I use speed connectors up to the inlet of the panel, but your set up is nice and clean.