The quick fix several of us use is to edit your pic in your camera application just a hair and it will post in the correct orientation.
Images from phones (and many cameras) have an EXIF field for rotation - 90 degrees left, 90 degrees right, 180 degrees are the choices if it is not 0. vBulletin introduced code with version 5 that pays attention to the field, but I don't know if the software running this forum (listed as vBadvanced 3.2.3) can do that. I think vBadvanced is based on vBulletin, and if so is at least 3 years old. Not a knock on anybody - I've generally refused to update forums I've run or administered because it is a royal pain.
This is the version we have. Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.8.8 Beta 1
We have discussed it in the past with tha admin folks. I will see if there are any newer developments.
This is the version we have. Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.8.8 Beta 1
We have discussed it in the past with tha admin folks. I will see if there are any newer developments.
No Joy as the statement below implies, At least until a future update.
Until then You can go the extra mile and edit a pic and reload it. There are just to many pics uploaded for us underpaid moderators to try and do them. Often I don't know what orientation my camera was in until I post it.