I'm becoming less and less a fan of these setups. We have used our Mikrotik SXT directional wireless access point in over 50 RV parks, and the overwhelming conclusion is that ALL RV parks have the worst WiFi. McDonalds had better Free WiFi than all of the parks we visited.
DW and I both work while we are out on the road, I am an IT manager and a Network Engineer that manages our connectivity while we are on the road in our Seneca for months at a time.
Most of the Park managers had no understanding of what / how /why their WiFi networks worked (or should say did not work) and I have to say that those that did work well - had a subscription fee for upgraded WiFi service that was hosted/administered by an outside WISP. Some of them were $10/day - and were worth it if you did not have a secondary solution.
WiFi in a park, is usually limited to what they can get "into the park" and then everyone shares what that has... At worst, take 20mbs and divide it by 100 connections that are using it... No matter what the extender is capable of helping get to your unit, your piece of the network pie is pretty small and inconsistent a lot of the time -
Edit: oh, forgot the main question you asked...
We set up our SXT outside of our Seneca, depending on which direction the strongest/reliable/stable access point is located. I run the Cat-5 cable out the doors of the Seneca cab depending on which side/direction it might be - sometimes changing it to another AP during the week. I hang the SXT on the Freightliner Mirrors with Zip-Ties.