Originally Posted by RogerR
Question. Is there much space wasted in there? Could I take off and hinge the top to find a hidey hole for rarely used but can't find a spot items? One problem we have with our 195RB is lack of storage. And really annoying, lack of a silverware drawer or any drawers!
I don't know how much space, but I doubt it's much at all. A couple of thoughts:
1. Given the 195RBW cargo capacity, I think it's likely that if you filled the available stock storage space, you would be over the weight capacity (assuming you're filling with normal sorts of stuff and not feathers). Under bed storage needs to be used, so consider a bed lift if you haven't already.
2. To get some drawers for silverware and the like, we found a set of three plastic storage drawers in a single unit that fit pretty well on one of the pantry shelves. There is some "waste" space next to and behind the unit, where we store the many manuals and instructions for the trailer.