Okay, day 4 in the rental RV (Redhawk 29RX). Getting a few things figured out, while others - not so good.
I've been checking the Command Center info every day (multiple times a day, even) and I'm scratching my head over 'em. I'm hoping someone can help me so I'm not freaking out that something's going wrong. Again, the owners manual isn't very helpful.
Yesterday the grey water tank was registering 2/3rd full but now (in the AM) it's registering 1/3 full. And I know more water has gone down it, but I haven't flushed the system (will do so tonight or tomorrow at my next campground). So, why have those numbers changed?
I'm now thinking I can take my shower since it's not registering as full as it was before. I thought I might have to flush it before I took the shower, in case it got full.
Which leads to: what happens if it does get full part way through my shower? Does the water stay in the bottom of the shower pan?
The black water tank has stayed at 1/3 every time I've checked it, so I'm okay there.
Now the battery info - that's really got me puzzled. The letters are L, F, G and C. What the heck do these mean? Right now it's registering at F (after turning lights on and fixing breakfast), but when I got up this AM it was at L.
There's also a switch when I come in the door for "Main Power". Right now the red light is on and the button looks to be in the down position (I can see the red area on the top side of the button/switch). It's flipped the opposite way of when I turn on the interior lights.
What is this for? I know, it sounds obvious, but I'm wondering do I need to have it in that position the entire time? With the red light on?
Thanks for your answers. TV questions will be in a separate post.