Originally Posted by RowMatt
Hope this is the right form/thread for this. I tried to attach this to an on going thread and had no replies.
I need to mount a board with five coat hooks on it to an exterior wall. (Board is 24” x 2 1/2” x 3/4”) I have had it secured to the wall with two strips of 1-inch-wide double sided Velcro. It has stayed for almost three years but now it is pulling away from the wall and pulling a wallpaper seam with it.
I would like to secure it with screws and still use the Velcro but I am not sure what to use on the outside wall? What the thickness is? And how would a “molly bolt” work in a foam filled wall?
Would a stud-finder work on the Trailer studs??
We are open to ideas.
Rhonda & Matt send……….
Ok here is what I used to put up my firewalls for my Wood stove in my 5'er. This works awesome! 8 mos. ago Gorilla Glue Company Made a VERY STRONG Glue Its called Gorilla Construction Adhesive! Its awesome I hung 3 walls of Durock ( Fire board 1/2" covered with Stainless steel. I have 1X1 planks glued to the back of the fire board and when it dried I then glued the 1X1 plank directly to the wall. Then put some 2X4 planks against each fire board to make sure that the glue would hold to the wall with pressure. 24 hours later I removed the 2X4 planks and the fire board walls are as solid as a rock!. IMHO its a thousand times better than liquid Nails.
All weather -- holds in 30 seconds -- Paintable
Here is what you can use it on....
Brick, Molding, masonary, wood, wet surfaces, flooring, marble Concrete, Fiberglass, aluminum and hell of a lot more.
Hope that helps